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If you have questions about accessibility for any of our events, or you require further information, please contact [email protected]

An ISL interpreter on the Disrupt festival stage. They gesture towards an audience. Behind them a screen shows captions. Photo by Leanne Sullivan.

Irish Sign Language

Irish Sign Language (ISL) is the sign language used in the Republic of Ireland. The language makes use of space and involves movement of the hands, body, face and head. A sign language interpreter interprets what a person says or signs simultaneously, or immediately afterwards.


It is important for us to explore access requirements outside of performances and workshop contexts. As such, we will have an ISL interpreter available during the social opportunities of the festival for individual support. We would kindly ask you to contact a member of the festival team if you would like to avail of these services during informal social times, and we will link you with the ISL interpreter. These services will be limited so it may be necessary to wait for the providers to become available if they are engaged with other attendees.

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