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Embodiment; Disability and the Body in Art

Alison Clarke, Louise Bruton, Tobi Balogun

Performance & Discussion


9 March

6:00 pm

6:00 pm

95 mins

Performers Tobi Balogun, Louise Burton, Ali Clarke. They are all looking to camera with intensity. Around them are bright pink swirls and wavy lines.

Event Information

Tickets: €16/€13 | Free Online |Your ticket supports future iterations of Disrupt Disability Arts Festival. Free tickets are available for those with lived experience of disability, carers and companions. Concession tickets are available for those on a low income, unemployed or OAP.

Book to attend in-person here:

Book to attend for free online here:



We present an evening of work which is a frank, humorous and moving account of the disabled body in art.

Featuring the work of Alison Clarke, Tobi Balogun and Louise Bruton and followed by a panel discussion on the theme of the disabled body in art and self care.



Trigger warnings:

All events are live and/or involve discussion, we have listed some trigger warnings for each event and will do our best to forewarn about any potential triggers during the events as they unfold.

All events will deal with topics of Disability, Access and Ableism.

Additional trigger warnings for this event are: Gender, Health care, Identity politics



Introductory notes for the event are available to download here.

An audio version of these notes can be accessed here.

Services available at this event:

If you have questions about accessibility for any of our events, or you require further information, please contact [email protected]

Booking and Opening Details


Full price, 16 euro

Concession, 13 euro

Booking is essential through the online booking system at Project Arts Centre by visiting , emailing [email protected] , or calling +353 1 881 9613

Your ticket price supports future iterations of the Disrupt Festival. However, free and reduced tickets are available, including for those with lived experience of disability, low income, unemployed, OAP and companion tickets.
Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.


You will have the option to book this event online or in-person on the Project Arts Centre website. Please ensure you are booking the correct event. If you are joining us online a link with instructions will be sent to you in advance of the event.

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